Hotel Key Cards


Hotel Key Cards


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There are 2 systems that hotel uses for their locks, magnetic stripe and RFID.

There is a simple way to check whether you are using magnetic stripe card or RFID card;
1. Check if there is an arrow at the front;
2. Check if there is a black (sometimes brown, silver or gold) magnetic stripe at the back side.
If both yes, then it’s a magnetic stripe card.
If you cannot see anything on the card surface – even if sometimes you can see an arrow on the front – you are using an RFID card.
To double confirm, put the card in front of a bright light, you would see the copper antenna inside like shown in
the picture below.

Absolute FF&E provides hotel key card for not only the following locking systems.

Saflok, Kaba, Onity, MIWA, Salto, Ilco, etc.

Frequently used magnetic stripe for hotel key card:
300 Oe, 650 Oe, and 2750 Oe;
Frequently used RFID chip for hotel key card:
Atmel T5577
NXP MIFARE Classic 1K (for guest)
NXP MIFARE Classic 4K (for staff)
NXP MIFARE Ultralight EV1

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